ORCID: 0000-0002-9913-4580

Faculty of Humanities / Institute of Political and Social Sciences
Campus de Guajara 

Tel. (34) 922317737
fax. (34) 922317723

  PO Box 456. E-38200 La Laguna 
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain


Present Position / Current Academic Interests
Links to Curriculum Vitae and Publications
Publications: BooksArticles and Other
Research Projects, editorial activities and academic membership
Life and EducationAcademic Positions

.Catedrático (Full Professor), profile: History of Religions. University of  La Laguna (Spain): July1996-present.  Teaching subjects: General and Comparative History of Religions (Degree in History); Religious diversity (Degree in Anthropology); Theories and Methodologies for the Study of Religion (master in Religious Studies).
.Académico Correspondiente de la Real Academia de la Historia.
.Member of the CALR (Comisión Asesora de Libertad Religiosa), Spanish Ministry of the Presidence

.- Head of the research project: "Bases teóricas y metodológicas para el estudio de la diversidad religiosa y las minorías religiosas en España: de la antigüedad a la actualidad" / Theoretical and methodological bases for the study of religious diversity and religious minorities in Spain: from Antiquity to the present day (HAR2016-75173-P) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, 2017-2020
- Head of the research project: "Budismo en España" / Buddhism in Spain (access to the English version of the project) (research contract between the "Fundación Pluralismo y Convivencia" (Madrid) and the Universidad de La Laguna), from nov. 2010 to april. 2012.
- Head of the research project: "Iglesias Ortodoxas en España" / Christian Orthodox Churchs in Spain (research contract between the "Fundación Pluralismo y Convivencia" (Madrid) and the Universidad de La Laguna), 2012-2016.
- Head of the research project: "La Historia de las Religiones y el Estudio de las Religiones en España antes del Concilio Vaticano II" Plan Nacional de I+D+I, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (HAR2011-25292), 2012-2015.

Main research interests: religious minorities, religion and violence, religious education, religions in Spain, theory and methodology of the study of religions, religions in a multicultural world

-Extended cv in normalized format (cvn) in English (pdf)
-Extended cv (in Spanish) (with links to publications)
-Publications (chronological order)
-Publications (thematical order at

Publications: Books:
. Divinidades de las aguas termales en la Península ibérica en época romana, Madrid, Editorial de la Universidad Complutense,1987
. El origen del mito de Caronte. 2 vols. Editorial de la Universidad Complutense, Madrid 1988.
. J.M. Blazquez et al. Historia de las religiones de la Europa Antigua, Madrid, Editorial Cátedra, 1994.
. Los caminos de la muerte. Religión, rito e iconografía del paso al más allá en el mundo griego, Madrid, Editorial Trotta, 1995 (also Alicante, Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2006:
. Introducción a la Historia de las Religiones, Madrid, Editorial Trotta (1995, 2nd. ed. 1998, 3rd ed. 2002).
. F. Diez de Velasco/A. Tejera/M. Martínez (eds.) Realidad y mito, Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas,1997.
. Termalismo y religión. La sacralización del agua termal en la Península Ibérica y el norte de África en el mundo antiguo, Madrid, Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense, 1998.
. Lenguajes de la religión. Mitos, símbolos e imágenes de la Grecia Antigua, Madrid, Editorial Trotta, 1998.
. Las nuevas religiones, Madrid, ediciones del Orto, 2000, 95 pp. (ISBN 84.7923.2232.4)
. Las religiones en un mundo global: retos y perspectivas, La Laguna, Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de La Laguna, 2000, 51 págs. (D.L. TF-1682-2000)
. F. Diez de Velasco, F. García Bazán (eds.), El estudio de la religión, Madrid, editorial Trotta (Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Religiones vol.1), 2002, 434 pp.
. F. Diez de Velasco (ed.), Miedo y religión,  Madrid, Ediciones del Orto, 2002, 380 pp
. La historia de las religiones: métodos y perspectivas, Madrid, Akal, 2005, 287 pp.
. F. Diez de Velasco (dir.), Religiones y Culturas, Madrid, Santillana, 2005, 359 pp.
. Breve historia de las religiones, Madrid, Alianza, 2006, 270 pp.
. F. Diez de Velasco, A. Galván Tudela (eds.), Religiones minoritarias en Canarias: Perspectivas metodológicas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ed. Idea, 402 pp.
. Ángel Álvarez de Miranda, historiador de la religiones, Madrid, ediciones del Orto, 2007, 95 pp.
. F. Díez de Velasco, ed. Religiones entre continentes: Minorías religiosas en Canarias, Barcelona, Icaria, 2008, 380 pp.
. P. Lanceros y F. Díez de Velasco, eds. Religión y violencia, Madrid, Círculo de Bellas Artes, 2008, 301 pp.
. J. Alemán, M. Cherif, F. Díez de Velasco, F. Duque, P. Lanceros, J. de Lucas, F.J. Martínez, J. Pérez de Tudela, S. Zizek, Los otros entre nosotros: Alteridad e Inmigración, Madrid, Círculo de Bellas Artes, 2009, 303 pp. (ISBN 978-84-87619-58-8)
. F. Diez de Velasco (dir.), Religiones y Culturas, Madrid, Santillana / El País (Enciclopedia del Estudiante vol. 19), nueva edición actualizada, 2010, 360 pp. (ISBN 984.84.680.0182.2)
. F. Díez de Velasco y P. Lanceros, eds. Religión y mito, Madrid, Círculo de Bellas Artes, 2010, 295 pp.(ISBN 978-84-87619-65-6)
.Guía técnica para la implementación y gestión de espacios multiconfesionales, Madrid, Observatorio del Pluralismo Religioso en España, 2011 (ISBN 978-84615-2847-9)
.Religiones en España: historia y presente, Madrid, Akal, 2012 (ISBN 978-84-460-3014-0)
.Budismo en España: historia, visibilización e implantación, Madrid, Akal, 2013 (ISBN 978-84-460-3679-1)
.Breve historia de las religiones, Madrid, Alianza, 2014, 2ª ed., 312 pp. (ISBN 978-84-206-8962-3)
.F. Diez de Velasco (ed.), Las iglesias ortodoxas en España, Madrid, Akal, 2015, 410 pp. (ISBN 978-84-460-4083-5)
."Ritos y juegos del toro" en la trayectoria investigadora de Ángel Álvarez de Miranda, Sevilla, Athenaica, 2015, 120 pp. (ISBN 978-84-16230-71-6)
.Second ediction (format e-book) of Budismo en España: historia, visibilización e implantación, Madrid, Akal Universitaria (nº 345), 2018 (240 photos) (ISBN 978-84-460-4593-9)
.F. Diez de Velasco (ed.), Ephemeris Blázquez I: José María Blázquez y la Historia de las Religiones, Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, 2020, 260 pp.
.F. Díez de Velasco (ed.), Ó. Salguero, S. Pou, M. V. Contreras, R. C. Rodríguez, Las iglesias ortodoxas en España: retos y perspectivas. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 2020, ISBN 978-84-7882-858-6, 354 pp. (
.F. Díez de Velasco,  Budismo en España: historia y presente. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 2020, ISBN 978-84-7923-589-5, 350 pp.(
.F. Díez de Velasco,  La diversidad religiosa en España: reflexiones y ejemplos. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 2023, ISBN 978-84-7882-895-1, 316 pp. (

Articles and chapters of books:
>120 articles and other publications in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese on the subjects:
Theory and methodology of the Study of Religions,  Religion and Education, Religious Diversity. Religious Minorities in Spain (and in the Canary Islands). Religions in Spain. Buddhism in Spain. Comparative Religion. Religious Iconography. Religion today, Multiculturalism and religion, Violence and Religion, Death and Religion. History of the discipline in Spain. Greek Religion and Mythology, Water and Religion
Publications in languages other than Spanish:
..“Diversity, Pluralism and Religious Change in Spain since 1967: From Singularity to the Emergence of Religious Minorities”, en Julio de la Cueva, Ana I. Planet & Miguel Hernando de Larramendi (eds.), Religious Landscapes in Contemporary Spain. The Impact of Secularization on Religious Pluralism, Brighton/Chicago/Toronto, Sussex Academic Press, 2022 (ISBN 978-1-78976-163-4), pp. 75-101.
“Buddhism in Spain", en Kurt Krammer, Martin Rötting (eds.), Buddhismus in Europa. Facetten zwischen Mode, Minderheit und Mindfulness in interreligiösen Bezügen, Lit Verlag, 2022 (ISBN 978-3-643-51107-2), pp. 111-138.
.“Senses in/of religious violence: identity, difference, privilege and power” en VV.AA. Discurso, espacio y poder en las religiones, Oxford: Archaeopress publishing LTD, 2021 (ISBN 978-1-78969-884-8), pp. 18–31 (
. Adoración Castro Jover; Francisco Díez de Velasco Abellán; Puerto García Ortiz; Mercedes Murillo Muñoz. Annual Report on the Status of Religious Freedom in Spain: the right to a decent burial without religious discrimination 2018 Madrid: Ministry of the Presidence, 2019.
."Multi-belief/Multi-faith Spaces: Theoretical Proposals for a Neutral and Operational Design" Francisco Colom Gonzalez & Gianni D'Amato (Eds.), Multireligious Society: Dealing with Religious Diversity in Theory and Practice, Ashgate/Routledge, 2017  (ISBN 978-1472488022), pp. 236-250.
."Buddhism in Spain" in Oliver Abenayake & Asanga Tilakaratne (eds.) 2600 Years of Sambuddhatva. Global Journey of Awakening, Colombo: Ministry of Buddhasasana and Religious Affairs, Government of Sri Lanka, 2012, 483-492 (version pdf high with credits (27M) / version pdf high without credits (15M) / version pdf low (2M))
."Theoretical Reflections on Violence and Religion: Identity, Power, Privilege and Difference (With Reference to the Hispanic World)" Numen 52, 1 (2005), 87-115
.A.L. Siikala (1987) / F. Diez de Velasco (2005) "Descent into the Underworld" Encyclopedia of Religion, second edition (L. Jones, ed. in chief), vol. IV, 2295-2300
.S. Rodríguez Becerra (ed.) X.M. González Reboredo, E. Gómez Pellón, J. Homobono, M.I. Jociles Rubio, J Vallverdú, M.S.D. Vargas Lovera, M. García Jiménez, J.L. Alonso Ponga, R. Suárez Fernández, C. Franco Agudo, J. Marcos Arévalo, S. Rodríguez Becerra y F. Diez de Velasco, "Anthropological Studies of Religion in Spain"  in G. Barna (ed.), Ethnology of Religion. Chapters from the European History of a Discipline, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2004, 288-350
."Esquisse méthodologique de mythologie comparée: Charon indoeuropéen?" in M.V. García Quintela et al. eds. Anthropology of the Indo-European World and Material Culture. Proceedings of the 5th International Colloquium of Anthropology of the Indo-European World and Comparative Mythology. Budapest, Archaeolingua vol. 20, 2007, 333-344
."Mutation et perduration de l'espace sacré: l'exemple du culte des eaux thermales dans la Péninsule Ibérique jusqu'à la romanisation" S. Ribichini et al.eds. Saturnia Tellus. Definizioni dello spazio consacrato in ambiente etrusco, italico, fenicio-punico, iberico e celtico. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di studi. Roma, CNR, 2008, 458-469
.J. Scheid / F.Diez de Velasco / P. Xella "Interventi introduttivi alla Tavola Rotonda "Definizioni dello spazio consacrato nel Mediterraneo antico" S. Ribichini et al. eds. Saturnia Tellus. Definizioni dello spazio consacrato in ambiente etrusco, italico, fenicio-punico, iberico e celtico. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di studi. Roma, CNR, 2008, 715-717
."Religiocentrism" Rever (Revista de Estudos da Religiao) 5,4 (2005), 137-143
."Religion, identity and education for peace: beyond the dichotomies confessional/non confessional and global/local" British Journal of Religious Education 29,1 (jan. 2007), 77-87 (also in Robert Jackson and Satoko Fujiwara, Peace Education and Religious Plurality. International Perspectives. London/New York, Routledge, 2008, 63-73).
."Multi-religiosity in the Canary Islands: Analysing processes of religious change between continents", Religion 39,2, 2009, 147-153.
."History (Study) of Religions in Spain and the SECR (Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones / Spanish Society for the Sciences of Religions)" Bandue.Revista de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones III, 2009, 123-136
."Religion, identity and education for peace: beyond the dichotomies confessional/non confessional and global/local" in Robert Jackson and Satoko Fujiwara, Peace Education and Religious Plurality. International Perspectives. London/New York, Routledge, 2008, 63-73.
."The visibilization of Religious Minorities in Spain", Social Compass 57,2, 2010, 253-267
."La Storia delle Religioni in Spagna. Particolarità e prospettive" Humanitas 66,1, 2011, 91-123
. "Marge, axe et centre: iconographie d'Héraclès, Atlas et l'arbre des Hespérides" in V. Pirenne-Delforge, E. Suárez de la Torre, eds. Héros et héroïnes dans les mythes et les cultes grecs, Kernos, supl. 10, Liège, 2000, 197-216
. "Nessos" Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (Zurich-Munich) vol. VI,1, 1992, 838-847 y VI,2, 1992, 534-555
. "Limós" LIMC vol. VI,1,1992, 288
.  bibliographical reviews in A. Motte et alii (eds.) MENTOR, Bibliographie informatisée sur la religion grecque ancienne, Lieja, Centre d'Histoire des Religions, 1992 and A. Motte et alii (eds.) Mentor 2, Bibliographie informatisée sur la religion grecque ancienne (1986-1990), Lieja, Centre d'Histoire des Religions, 1998
. "The suitor's journey: An Iconographical approach" Abstracts Odysseus and Aeneas, two wandering heroes of the Ancient World, Euroclassica 1993, 10
. "Polos" LIMC VII,1, 1994, 425 y VII,2, 343
. "Pharos" LIMC VII,1 1994, 223
. "Portus" LIMC VII, 1994,1 518-519
. "Pontos" LIMC VII, 1994, 468-469
. "Divindades indíxenas das augas termais no extremo occidente hispano" Larouco 1, 1991, 53-60
. "Divinités des eaux thermales dans le Nord-Ouest de la prouincia Tarraconensis et dans le Nord de la prouincia Lusitania: une approche au phénomène du thermalisme romain dans l'occident des Provinces Ibériques"Caesarodunum 26, 1992 (Les eaux thermales et les cultes de eaux en Gaule et dans les provinces voisines, Actes du Colloque 28-30 Septembre 1990, Aix-les-Bains), 133-149
. "Bilan de la recherche espagnole en histoire des religions de l'antiquité. Religion et mythologie grecques" Mélanges de la Casa de Velazquez XVIII, 1992, 143-164
. "Serpentine Power in Greece and India" Yavanika 3, 1993, 13-31
. F. Diez de Velasco, M.A. Molinero Polo "Hellenoaegyptiaca I: Influences égyptiennes dans l'imaginaire grec de la mort: quelques exemples d'un emprunt supposé (Diodore I, 92,1-4; I, 96,4-8)" Kernos 7, 1994, 26-52
. "Les mythes d'Europe: réflexions sur l'eurocentrisme" Metis XI, 1996, 123-132

Congress and conference participations (in languages other than Spanish)
."Le tourisme religieux bouddhiste en Espagne: quelques exemples", en XXXV ISSR (International Society for the Sociology of Religion) Congress "The Politics of Religion and Spirituality", STS 064-1: Thematic session/Session thématique : Spiritual Tourism/Le tourisme spirituel. Barcelona, 9-12 July 2019.
"The visibilization of the new Buddhist heritage in Spain: examples of artistic hybridization in Vajrayana retreat centers" (presentación), International forum on Buddhist art and Buddhism’s transmission to Europe: When the Himalaya meets with Alps, Madrid, Spain, August 26-29, 2016
."Minorities vs. majorities: Making Visible Religious Diversity in Madrid (Spain)" XXI Quinquennial World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), Erfurt, Germany, 25 August 2015. Panel 25-212: Religious places in urban space (Panel Chairs: Marian Burchardt, Maria Chiara Giorda)
."History of Religions vs. Sciences of Religions: names and shapes of a disciplinary field in Spain" XXI Quinquennial World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), Erfurt, Germany, 25 August 2015. Panel 25-307 The study of religions (in plural) in Catholic countries: particularities, specificities and challenges (Panel Chair: F. Diez de Velasco)
."Multi-faith spaces: proposals for a neutral and operational design" Workshop 5 of RECODE (Responding to Complex Diversity in Europe and Canada): "Multireligious Society. Accomodating New Religious Diversities in Post-Secular Settings", 11-12 April, 2013, Madrid, Centre for Human and Social Sciences (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC).
."The place of Buddhism in the Construction of the Religious Plurality in Spain" en 10th Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR), New Movements in Religion. Theories and Trends. 18-22 September 2011, Hungarian Culture Foundation, Budapest, Hungary
-“The visibilization of Religious Minorities in Spain”. Keynote Speaker, 30 ISSR Conference “The Challenges of Religious Pluralism” Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 27-31,2009.
."La construction de la notion de minorité religieuse en Espagne: le cas d'étude du bouddhisme" Session 50, Religious Minorities in Spain/Religions minoritaires en Espagne" 30th ISSR Conference, The Challenges of Religious Pluralism, Santiago de Compostela July 27-31,2009.
-"Senses in/of religious violence" Peace and Violence in the Name of Gods. Analyses from the perspective of Religious Studies. International lecture series at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, January 15,2009.
-"Teaching Religious Education in Spanish School: some non religio-centric proposals", 8th Conference of the EASR, Time of Decline, Time of Hope. Scientific, Cultural and Political Engagement of the Study of Religions, Brno, Czchec Republic, September 7-11,2008.
-"History of Religions in Spain and the SECR" Coloquio inaugural da Associacao Portuguesa para o Estudo da Religiao: A Situacao e as Perspectivas do Estudo Cientifico das Religioes em Portugal", Lisboa, Instituto de Ciencias Sociais Universidade de Lisboa, 4-5 abril 2008.
-"Multirreligiosity in the Canary Islands: analysing processes of religious change between continents" International workshop "The Study of Religion in Local and Regional Perspective"  University of Bergen (Norway), June 26-29,2007.
-"La place des penseurs espagnols dans la réflexion historico-religieuse de Mircea Eliade/The place of spanish thinkers in the historico-religious thought of Mircea Eliade", Religious History of Europe and Asia, 6th EASR / IAHR special Conference, Bucharest, Romania, September 18-23,2006.
-"Influences égyptiennes dans l'imaginaire grec de la mort" Colloque Influences, emprunts et syncrétismes religieux en Grèce ancienne. Centre International pour l'étude de la religion grecque ancienne (Atenas-Bruselas), Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2-4 septembre 1993.
-"Cultes et thermalisme dans le Nord-Ouest des provinces ibériques" Colloque archéologique 1990, Aix-les-Bains (Université de Tours, France).

Research Projects, editorial activities and academic membership:
.Former editor of Bandue. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones (webpage of Bandue) 2006-2020
.Head of the research project: "Bases teóricas y metodológicas para el estudio de la diversidad religiosa y las minorías religiosas en España" (HAR2016-75173-P) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, 2017-2020
.Vicepresident of the SECR (Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones) (2017-)
.Head of the Research Project "WATER AND RELIGION" (CICYT, Spain) (1994-1997)
.Organiser of the Symposium MILLENNIUM: FEAR AND RELIGION
.Head of the Research Project "METHODS IN HISTORY OF RELIGIONS" (2003-2006)
.Head of the research contract: "Las religiones en el mundo" of the Fundación Atman (Madrid).
.Head of the research project-contract: "La multirreligiosidad en Canarias: análisis de las comunidades y grupos religiosos minoritarios" (research contract between the "Fundación Pluralismo y Convivencia" (Madrid) and the Universidad de La Laguna) 2006-2008
.Head of the research project-contract: "Gestión pública de la diversidad religiosa" (research contract between the "Fundación Pluralismo y Convivencia" (Madrid) and the Universidad de La Laguna).2009-
.Head of the research project-contract: "Guía técnica para la gestión de espacios multiconfesionales" (research contract between the "Fundación Pluralismo y Convivencia" (Madrid) and the Universidad de La Laguna).2010
Head of the research project-contract: "Budismo en España: historia, visibilización e implantación" (Buddhism in Spain) (research contract between the "Fundación Pluralismo y Convivencia" (Madrid) and the Universidad de La Laguna) 2010-2012.
.Head of the research project-contract: "Las iglesias ortodoxas en España" (Orthodox Churchs in Spain) (research contract between the "Fundación Pluralismo y Convivencia" (Madrid) and the Universidad de La Laguna) 2012-2016.
.Head of the research project: "La Historia de las Religiones y el Estudio de las Religiones en España antes del Concilio Vaticano II" Plan Nacional de I+D+I, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (HAR2011-25292), 2012-2015.
.Former vicepresident of the EASR (European Association for the Study of Religions) 2011-2013
.Former director (editor) of the collection/serie  "Religiones y mitos". Akal, Madrid (ex-Cambridge University Press, spanish branch) (22 volumes published)
.Former director (editor) of the collection  "Biblioteca de las Religiones", Editorial del Orto, Madrid (21 volumes published)
.Former member of the Executive Committee of the IAHR (2005-2010)
.Member of the SECR (Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones)
.Member of ALER (Asociación Latinoamericana para el Estudio de la Religión)
.Member of the International Scientific Committee of the LIMC (Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae). Articles on the LIMC: Nessos, Polum, Portus, Limos, Pontos, Pharos: (
.Former member of the International Academic Committee of EIR (Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Religiones) (co-editor of the first volume)
.Former member of the Editorial Board of Numen (Brill) 2005-2010.
.Member of the Advisory Board of SMSR (Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni) 2009-.
.He has got five “sexenios de investigación” (30 years of research of excellence: 1987-2016) positively assessed by the ANECA-CNEAI.

.Publication and evaluation processes referee:
.H2020 evaluator, 2017, 2020
.Componente come comissario OSCE dellaCommissione per l’abilitazione scientifica nazionale alla prima e seconda fascia dei professori universitari nel settore concorsuale 11/A4-Scienze del libro e del documento e scienze storico religiose, 2013-2014
.Miembro del comité asesor 10 de la Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora, años 2013 y 2014
.Referee for the evaluation of research products (Italian Evaluation of Research Quality),ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities ans Research Institutes, Italy) 2012-2013
.Evaluator of Research Projects, GACR (Czech Science Foundation) 2012,
.Evaluator of Research Projects, Spanish Comission for Science and technology, 2003-2013
.Evaluator of Research Projects, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2007
.Evaluator of Research Projects, Universidad de Sevilla, 2011
.Referee in diverse academic journals

Life and Education:
Born in Granada (Spain) 06/04/1960
Pre-universitary education in the Lycée Français de Madrid (Diplome de Bachelier de l'enseignement du second degré par l'Académie de Toulouse, 1978)
Licenciado en Historia (Degree in History), 1983, UCM calificación Premio Extraordinario (best student of the year in History).Courses on History of Religions, Ancient History, History, ancient languages. Tesina (little thesis) on the subject: "Religious significance of the thermal water in the Iberian Peninsula in the Ancient World".
Licenciado en Antropología Social y Cultural (Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology), 2005, UNED (Madrid)
Doctoral education: Courses of History of Religions. Early Christianity, Greek religion, Iberian Religions, Anthropology. Tutor: J. M. Blázquez.
Greek grant in 1984-1985 in the University of Athens (Greece), tutor: W. Lambrinoudakis.
Doctoral Thesis in History in 1988 (Central University of Madrid- Universidad Complutense), calificación Premio Extraordinario (best thesis of the year in History). Subject: "The Origin of the Charon's Myth". Director: J.M. Blázquez.
Premio Extraordinario de doctorado 1988 (Award to the best thesis of the year in History in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain).
Premio Extraordinario de licenciatura 1984 (Award to the best student of the year in History in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain).
E-learning resource Award. Ministry of Education (Spain). 2006. Las religiones del mundo.
Spanish (mother tongue), French (Diplome de Baccalauréat de l’enseignement secondaire), English (Advanced Studies Diploma (B2), Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Canary Islands, Spain).

Past Academic Positions:
.Profesor Titular (Associate professor). Department of Prehistory and Anthropology. University of La Laguna (Spain). 1990-1996.
.Ayudante (Assistant). Department of History. University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 1989-1990.
.Membre libre de la section scientifique de la Casa de Velazquez. 1990-1992.
.Post-Doctoral Researcher (MEC/MRS). University of Paris-Sorbonne (France). 1988-1989.
.Pre-Doctoral Research Grant (Becario de Formación del Personal Investigador, Ministerio de Educación Y Ciencia). Department of Ancient History. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). 1985-1988.
.Predoctoral Greek grant. Faculty of Philosophy. University of Athens (Greece), 1984.
.Tutor of the Itinerary "History of Religions" in the Faculty of History. University of La Laguna.

SUMMARY of the CV and Indicators
Francisco Diez de Velasco is Catedrático (Full Professor) of History of Religions at the University of La Laguna (Canary Islands, Spain): July 1996-present.  Teaching subjects: General and Comparative History of Religions (World Religions); Theories and Methodologies for the Study of Religion; Religious diversity and cultural integration (anthropology)
. Author of 20 books. Editor of 13 books. Author of  50 papers, 55 book chapters and 30 other publications (congresses, Festschrifts, lexica, etc.). Coordinator of the research group HISTOREL (History of Religions) of The University of La Laguna composed of 15 researchers. He is or has been the head of research of four research projects of the Spanish Ministry of Research. He has coordinated six research contracts for the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation (Madrid) dedicated to the study of religious minorities in Spain. Member a series of international associations in the discipline: Vice-president of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) 2011-2013, Officer (Executive Committee) of the IAHR (International Association for the History of Religions) 2005-2010, Member of the Board of Directors of the SECR (Spanish Society of Religious Sciences) (1998-) and Vicepresident (from 2017), participating in the organization of conferences and symposiums in these associations. He has participated in more than 60 congresses, of which 30 of international impact or with participation in English or French. Editor of Bandue. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones (from 2005). Former director of the series Religiones y Mitos (CUP / Akal: 24 books published), Paradigmas (Trotta), Religiones y Textos (Ediciones del Orto: 19 books published). Membre of the editorial board of Numen (Brill) 2005-2010. Académico Correspondiente (correspondant member) of the  Real Academia de la Historia (Spain) from 2013.  Member (Vocal-experto) of the Religious Liberty Advisory Commission of the Spanish Ministry of Justice from March 2019 ( Complete curriculum at:
.9 doctoral theses directed (6 in the last 10 years, 3 in the last 5 years)
The research areas to which I dedicate are characterized as non-bibliometric. The following are tentative indicators:   H index: 20 / i10 index: 36 (google scholar at 25/03/2022)
Books published as individual autor: 21, as editor 17 in high impact publishers as Alianza Editorial (SPI: ICEE 45.735  position 1/272), Akal (SPI: ICEE 28.831 position 9/272), Trotta (SPI: ICEE 17.148 position 17/272), Icaria (SPI: ICEE 4.571 position 51/272), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (SPI: ICEE 6.167 position 42/272), Ediciones Clásicas  (SPI: ICEE 3.179 position 67/272).
Among the 50 papers published in journals, 7 are in English, 4 in French, 2 in Italian. In foreign journals 20 articles, some in journals of maximum impact in the discipline Religious Studies as Numen (Brill, SJR Q1/0,169; CIRC: A), Religion (Elsevier: SJR Q1/0,341; CIRC: A+), Social Compass (Sage: SJR Q1/0,348; CIRC A), British Journal of Religious Education (Routledge; SJR Q1/0,384; CIRC A+), Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni or Historia Religionum  (both indexed as A by ANVUR), Mélanges de la Casa de Velazquez (Arts and Humanities Citation Index, SJR; CIRC A), Humanitas (Italy, MIAR ICDS 6,5), Kernos (CIERGA, Bruselas), Metis  (Centre Louis Gernet, EHESS, París), Archaeus (Romanian Association for the History of Religions, Bucarest), Revista Cultura & Religión (Chile), Religare (Brasil). Among the Spanish journals: Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones (SJR Q2/0,111), Bandue. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones (ERIH+), Archivo Español de Arqueología (CIRC A), Gerion (CIRC B, FECYT), Veleia (CIRC B), Historia y Memoria de la Educación (ESCI), Éndoxa, Arys, Res publica.
The book Religiones en España: historia y presente (Religions in Spain: history and present), Madrid, Akal, 2012, has been awarded the "premio de investigación humanística del año 2013 de la Real Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo, Santander" (Humanistic Research Award of the Real Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo after a public contest).
Premio Extraordinario de doctorado 1988 (Award to the best thesis of the year in History in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain).
High-level evaluation work as a consequence of the recognized quality of the scientific production: member of the "comité asesor 10" of the CNEAI (2013 and 2014)/ Comissario OSCE della Commissione per l’abilitazione scientifica nazionale alla prima e seconda fascia dei professori universitari nel settore concorsuale 11/A4-Scienze del libro e del documento e scienze storico religiose, 2013-2014/ referee for the evaluation of research products (Italian Evaluation of Research Quality), ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes, Italy) 2012-2013 y 2016 / evaluator in H2020, 2017 ( and 2019.
. Coordinator (ULL) of the interuniversity doctoral program DOCTESO (Territorio y Sociedad) from 2015 to 2018.
.He has got six “sexenios de investigación” (36 years of research of excellence: 1987-2022) positively assessed by the ANECA-CNEAI one "sexenio de transferencia" and 6 "quinquenios de docencia" (30 years of teaching of excellence).